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General terms and conditions


If you have any complaints or comments about the behaviour of any of our people or about our services, you should contact Ms A.L. (Angela) Hofman RA, the Van Oers Audit compliance officer.

You should also contact our compliance officer if you notice any conduct that might be considered unethical, illegal, in contravention of the professional rules or otherwise irreconcilable with the Van Oers Audit Code of Conduct.

The whistleblower rules are available here.

We assume that all complaints are made in good faith and are an expression of sincere and valid concern. We review all complaints carefully, and treat them confidentially. If you wish, you may submit your complaint anonymously.

You can contact Ms Hofman by sending an e-mail to complianceofficer@vanoers.nl or by calling +31 (0)76 530 38 00.

Angela Hofman | Compliance officer
Angela Hofman | Compliance officer
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