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Planning to do business in Germany?

Germany Desk

Doing business in Germany

The most important trading partner in the Netherlands is and will remain Germany. The culture is like the Dutch culture, but in terms of legislation and regulations there are differences. The tax advisers behind our Germany desk will answer your questions and are willing to help you.

For Dutch entrepreneurs, Germany is an interesting country to conduct business, and vice versa, for German investors the Netherlands is an interesting country.

Germany Desk

Tax treaty Netherlands and Germany

The new tax treaty with Germany entered into force in 2016. There were quite a few adjustments made, in particular the tax on income and pensions. New is the compensation scheme, which aims to compensate the in Germany working resident of the Netherlands in order to equalize his tax position with his neighbor who is working and living in the Netherlands.

Cross-border activities between the Netherlands and Germany:

  • Being a cross border entrepreneur or working across the Dutch-German border
  • Setting up a branch in the Netherlands or the incorporation of a Dutch entity
  • Establishment of a German branch or incorporation of a German entity
  • Investment in German real estate by Dutch investors
  • Investment in Dutch (portfolio) real estate by German investors
  • The ‘new’ tax treaty with Germany since 2016
Germany Desk

Tax rates in Germany

Take a look at the German tax rates, to make sure that you are prepared well before doing business abroad.

Do you have a question for the Germany desk?

Please feel free to contact us to make an appointment. We are looking forward to meet you, so we can answer your questions and optimize your (tax) situation.

Edgar van Hassel | Tax manager
Edgar van Hassel | Tax manager
Want to know how we can help you with doing business in Germany?
Fill out the contact form or leave a call-back request. The introductory meeting is always free of obligation and free of charge.
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