How long do we store your data?
The personal data that you provide to us through the use of the website and contact channels are not stored any longer than is necessary to realise the purposes for which your data have been provided.
Information that you provide via the contact forms will be removed from the CMS after 2 months. If the request for contact results in a contract with Van Oers, your contact details will be recorded in our CRM/ERP package. In this case, the privacy conditions apply to the services that are provided to you upon entering into the agreement.
If you have subscribed to the newsletter, your data will be saved until you unsubscribe from the newsletter via the opt-out option. Unless your contact details are also used for other purposes arising from our services.
Van Oers offers you, as the client, the option of sharing large files safely with Van Oers employees. Your data are provided and processed by the person to whom you send the files. The files are temporarily saved as a download request (up to a max. of 3 months).
More information about the retention periods of cookies that are active on the website can be found in our cookie statement.
Protecting your personal data
We will ensure that we take suitable technical and organisational security measures in relation to the processing of personal data. As a visitor to our website you have the right for Van Oers to handle your personal data carefully. To this end, Van Oers has drawn up an internal security policy and privacy policy and has aligned this with the privacy legislation. This policy is effected in contracts, codes of conduct and (security) measures.
To protect personal data, both during the transfer thereof and as soon as we have received personal data, we work insofar as possible in line with ISO 27001 standards.
We have introduced physical, electronic and management procedures that are designed in order to prevent unauthorised access, loss or misuse of personal data as much as possible.
We limit, where reasonably possible, the internal access to personal data to employees who need that information to be able to carry out their work. Unauthorised access to, or unauthorised use of, personal data by an employee is prohibited and can lead to disciplinary action. Our employees are bound by a non-disclosure clause.
What are your rights with regard to the use of your personal data?
You have the right to view, correct or delete your personal data. In addition, you have the right to withdraw your consent for data processing or to object to the processing of your personal data by Van Oers and you have the right to data portability.
Submission of requests
You can submit a request in writing or by email to exercise your rights. A written request must be dated and signed. Written and digital requests outline at least:
- that this is a request within the scope of ‘exercising rights of the data subject under the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG)’;
- that these are addressed to the Privacy Officer;
- your full name and address;
- as verification, we ask that you identify yourself by means of a copy of an identity document. We ask for a copy of your identity document in order to prevent your personal data from being shared with the wrong people. (You can make the CSN number and passport photo illegible);
- the provision of a correspondence email address;
- an explanation about the request and which right you wish to exercise;
- that a request for limitation or correction states which changes you wish to make.
The request for inspection, correction, transfer, deletion or limitation must be submitted to the postal address P.O. Box 165, 4870 AD Etten-Leur or by email:
Processing of and dealing with requests
Van Oers shall only examine requests in respect of which Van Oers is considered to be the Controller. If this is not the case, you will be informed that the request will not be processed. If Van Oers is considered to be the Processor, it shall forward the request to be processed to the correct Controller. You shall be informed of that.
If the request does not fulfil the stipulated conditions, you will be given the opportunity to modify the request within 2 weeks. If the request is not modified within this period of time, you will receive a decision stating that the request will not be processed.
Van Oers shall provide you immediately and, in any case, within one month after receiving the request, information on how the request will be followed up. Depending on the complexity of your request and on the number of requests, if necessary that period of time can be extended by two months. If applicable, within one month of receipt of the request, Van Oers shall inform you of this extension.
In some cases, we will be unable to carry out your request. For example, we do not delete the data if it is of substantial interest to us or if there is a legal obligation to keep it. We will inform you of this.
Automated decision making
Fully automatic decisions are decisions made by computers and not by people (anymore). Van Oers is permitted by law to use automated decisions, including profiling that has no legal consequences. We currently do not use fully automated decision making on our website.
Changes to the privacy statement
If changes occur, we will amend our privacy statement. The most recent version of our privacy statement is available on our website. The last change was made on 27-01-2020.