Do you have questions about working abroad?

Working abroad with van oers international

Working abroad

If you have plans to work abroad, we can help you optimise your arrangements, leaving you free to focus on your new challenge.

Weighing the offer from abroad

You have received an interesting offer to work abroad. Before you commit to anything, you should take a close look at what your rights and obligations in the host country will be. This is not something to take lightly: differences between individual countries remain great – even within the EU. You are probably used to looking at these things from a Dutch perspective, which will make it more difficult to weigh the merits of the offer. Our experts can explain the situation and tell you precisely what to expect.

The employment contract

Once you have accepted a job abroad, you face the task of handling the related paperwork quickly and carefully. You will probably encounter some things that you do not need to consider for a job in the Netherlands: you will need to think about matters such as accommodation and transport, while taxes and insurance are handled differently and officials take a different approach to their work. We can help you make your decisions and deal with the related formalities.

Working abroad: partnerships with local advisers

For most people, the opportunity to work abroad only comes once in a lifetime. Every year, our expert knowledge smoothes the way for dozens of clients when taking up employment abroad. We work with partners abroad, who are familiar with all the details of the rules and regulations that you will face and with the culture of the local bureaucracy.

Working abroad with van oers international

Foreign workers: specific facilities

If you take on work abroad you might be able to apply some useful tax facilities. For example, in some situations part of your wages can be paid tax-free, as an allowance for your costs while staying abroad. This is similar to the 30% ruling in the Netherlands, which can also be applied in some cases. You can use a salary split to spread your income from employment across multiple countries, and potentially save large amounts in tax. We can help you make the most of the available possibilities.

Working abroad with van oers international

Working abroad: questions and further information

So if you are considering an offer, or have accepted a job, sit down and talk to us. We look forward to answering your initial questions: free of charge and with no strings attached.

do you want more information?

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Cooperation with Van Oers International

Kurt van Heerewaarden | Tax manager
Kurt van Heerewaarden | Tax manager
Want to know more about working abroad?
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