Vanoers.comServicesAuditAbout Van Oers Audit

Van Oers Audit,
your dedicated audit specialist

About Van Oers Audit

An audit will help your company move forward

Van Oers is a name that stands for an approach that is as effective as it is personal. Let us explain to you how we work.

You have a dedicated account manager

You work with a dedicated account manager: your audit specialist. This audit specialist is an experienced auditor who takes the time to build a connection with your company. The combination of understanding your business and understanding audit accountancy forms the basis for an effective and personal partnership. Your account manager is committed and proactive. Van Oers Audit seeks to assist you as effectively and as efficiently as possible, with a strong focus on IT. You can count on a committed, proactive and innovative approach.

Assistance from colleagues

Within Van Oers Audit your audit specialist can call on the assistance of around 55 professionals. This close team provides a valuable sounding board and ensures continuity and flexibility in our services. Your account manager refers unusual issues to the appropriate specialist within the Van Oers Group. This internal source of specialist expertise is one reason why Van Oers Audit can operate so very effectively.


Accounting firms require a licence from the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (Autoriteit Financiële Markten, ‘AFM’) to be permitted to carry out statutory audit engagements. A licence from the AFM serves as confirmation of the firm’s reliability and the quality of its services. Van Oers Audit has been in possession of this licence since September 2008.

About Van Oers Audit

International cooperation via Leading Edge Alliance

We also provide assistance in the international arena. Van Oers is a member of The Leading Edge Alliance: a worldwide association of more than 200 independent accountancy-related firms spread across 100+ countries. Our international network allows us to find reliable and expert partners for international engagements and provide you with the best possible service.

The best result for your audit

  • We recognise the information needs of all your internal stakeholders.
  • You have a dedicated account manager.
  • We use an efficient audit strategy.
  • We are sensitive to changes on the market.
  • We charge fair prices.
René Rademakers | Director audit
René Rademakers | Director audit
Time to meet!
But enough about us: it is time for you to tell us your story. Sit down with us so we can get to know each other. Get in touch with one of our contacts, or fill out the form for more information or to set up an informal meeting.
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