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The financial truth about your company through due diligence

Due diligence reviews by Van Oers

Get the financial truth revealed

Due Diligence means exercising a reasonable degree of care, for example if you want to sell or buy a company. Alternatively, you might be curious about your company’s financial, tax, operational and legal health, or you might be a bankruptcy trustee seeking help with financial and tax issues. Again, you need to do your homework and a Due Diligence review will provide the understanding that you need, by mapping out the risks of a business acquisition. Depending on the business concerned and what arrangements you make, a Due Diligence review may include the following elements:

Due diligence reviews by Van Oers

What a Due Diligence review yields

Any prospective buyer has a duty of investigation before taking over a company. It is advisable to perform a Due Diligence review. The seller has a duty of disclosure, and while a full review is not in fact necessary, it will benefit the seller by identifying and eliminating any obstacles. A Due Diligence review provides information about the following matters:

  • Whether the information that the seller has supplied is accurate and complete, and whether the business is in fact as profitable as the seller suggests;
  • What the quality and standard of accuracy is of the company’s accounts and records;
  • What potential tax and legal risks exist.

Depending on the arrangements, the asking price might subsequently be adjusted or renegotiated.

Bert Bastiaansen | Manager
Bert Bastiaansen | Manager
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