Vanoers.comServicesCorporate financeSell sideCompany sale to external parties

Acquisition by an external party

COmpany sale to external parties with Van Oers

We advise you on your company sale to a third party

In the event of selling a company to external parties, the main goal is to find the right buyer. Our extensive network consists of investment companies, fellow merger and acquisitions advisors, banks and Management Buy-In (MBI) candidates, which means we can always find a right buyer.

Van Oers, your Corporate Finance advisor

Below you can find an overview of the process of buy-side advisory in case of selling the company to an external party. Irrespective of whether you want to sell your company to a strategic party, a private equity house or an independent manager, we can assist you during the entire process.

We can assist you during the entire process

Approach of a company sale to external parties

  • Company sale to external parties preparation phase

    Exploratory discussions

    If you are considering to sell your company, we generally arrange one or more exploratory meetings to discuss the objective of the transaction.

    Carrying out the valuation

    Although the realization of the highest sales yield does not, by definition, has to be the primary goal of a transaction, we can indicate on the basis of a valuation study within which price range we consider a transaction to be possible. In this process we take account of, amongst other things, the strategic added value of the business, possible synergy benefits and comparable transactions in the sector. The valuation is also necessary for a substantiation of the sales price during the negotiations.

  • Company sale to third parties negotation phase

    Conducting negotiations

    Throughout the discussions we provide active support during the negotiations. Our experience has taught that your negotiating position is strengthened if we act as a buffer between the seller and the buyer.

    The negotiating strategy is based on the analysis of the business, the number of purchasers and the analysis of the various purchasers (e.g. the synergy benefits). This provides us with a basis for determining, amongst other things, whether a takeover price should be used or a tendering procedure should be started instead.

  • Sale of a company to third parties due diligence phase

    Coordinating the due diligence

    Between the signing of the letter of intent and the final purchase agreement, the purchaser has the opportunity to verify the correctness and completeness of the information and administration provided. This phase is commonly known as the due diligence.

    Often purchasers are keen to investigate various fields, such as financial, legal, staffing and organization, the environment, fiscal, insurance, operational, etc. Van Oers supports the entrepreneurs by collecting this information. Collecting the information without staff knowing about it or cooperating is a time-consuming process. The information will be collected in a (digital) data room.

Alexander den Boer | Director Corporate Finance
Alexander den Boer | Director Corporate Finance
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