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Sale of a company to family

Sell your company to family with Van Oers

Sell your company to family? We will advise you.

Selling your company to family members is one of the most common and self-evident succession scenarios. These days business succession within the family is regarded more often as the strategic alternative. Both the children’s increased freedom to make decisions and a change in the attitude of entrepreneurs means that opting for business succession within the family is being approached more rationally than it used to be. Our Corporate Finance advisors have the specific knowledge and skills to sell your company to a family member.

We assist you during the entire process

The process

  • Sale of a company to family - preparation phase

    Exploratory meetings

    If the opportunity occurs to sell your company to family-members, Van Oers normally arranges one or more exploratory meetings to discuss the objective of the transaction. The communication with regards to the business elements of the transfer are usually a challenge, because the acquirer and the seller are closely related. Arranging discussions at an early stage prevents uncertainty and disappointments in the end of the process.

    Advice on the takeover structure

    Our Corporate Finance advisors closely cooperates with Van Oers. Therefore, Corporate Finance is able to give fiscal advice during the takeover process. Furthermore, Van Oers is able to give advise on the Financial structure regarding to the personal situation (estate planning).

  • Sale of a company to family - negotation phase

    Contract negotiations

    Various agreements are drawn up depending on the deal structure. First of all the Share Purchasing Agreement and later on in the process possibly a management agreement, a loan agreement and/or a rental agreement.

    The Share Purchasing Agreement stipulates, amongst other things, the kind of transaction, the method of payment and the payment deadlines. It also contains detailed information on the guarantees. Given the interests which are at stake and all the legal pitfalls that exist, the Share Purchasing Agreement must also be drawn up by a M&A lawyer.

Alexander den Boer | Director Corporate Finance
Alexander den Boer | Director Corporate Finance
Want to sell your company successfully to family?
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