Valuation Desk
Traditionally business valuation has been used to determine the price in a transaction. However, valuation gives also insight in the value-creation (value drivers) ability of a company and is useful for determining the strategy of a company.
There are various theories about and methods for business valuation. Valuation is subjective and depends on many variables. Understanding the object or company to value forms the basis for an appropriate valuation. No matter what question about valuation you have, we can always provide an answer. We have a specialised department for this services, known as the Valuation Desk, which is the source of all our knowledge and experience in the field of valuations. We have a number of Registered Valuators (certified specialists in the field of company valuations) who have the knowledge and expertise to perform any value analysis you need. We determine the reason for carrying out your valuation on the basis of roughly five sub areas.
Van Oers
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